
Friday, March 7, 2014

Free Pattern Friday & Link-a-Long!

When my crochet hobby morphed into a crochet business, I never knew that I'd encounter so many wonderful people in the process of promoting my work. Crocheters are a special group...the people I've encountered have been supportive, encouraging and they appreciate the fact that crochet adds so much more to their lives than just a few handmade items.

Before arriving to this point in my life's journey, I've worked as a teacher, and I've been a writer and businesswoman for nearly two decades. As a small business coach, I've always enjoyed seeing others succeed. It's in that spirit that today marks the first Go Crochet Crazy Free Pattern Friday!!!!

In yesterday's blog post, I invited people who blog about crochet and offer occasional free patterns to contact me so I could promote their blog and a free pattern of theirs. Not a lot of responses poured in, but for the first Free Pattern Friday, it's okay. Directly below you'll find a mixture of some of my free patterns, free crochet patterns that I'm promoting in response to yesterday's post and a few favorites from some of my most beloved blogs (I get a lot of inspiration from reading others' crochet blogs). Pictures used for this promotion are original from the crocheters and all credit for the patterns go to the people listed with each of the patterns.

**If you visit any of these blogs/patterns, please leave the crocheters a comment (we all love to receive comments) and let them know you heard about their pattern from Mary at the Go Crochet Crazy blog.**

After sifting through the free patterns available (links to the patterns are in the titles), continuing scrolling to participate in today's Link-a-Long, where we spread a little crochet love by visiting one anothers blogs!

Free Pattern Friday: March Promoted Patterns

Easy skill level and quick to make, these spa cloths are a wonderful gift or fantastic, functional treat for yourself.

Wrap yourself in beauty and warmth, with the easy-to-crochet infinity scarf that works up quick with a chunky stitch.

Such a fun and educational item to crochet for babies! The skill level is easy, and the play block has pockets and embellishments to keep baby busy. 

Linda has a lot of beautiful patterns on her blog (they're all free to download on Ravelry). This snow cape, for sizes 0-3 months, is so elegant it even makes wintertime special. 

Granny Square Crochet Diamond Pattern by Crochet Geek

If you're in the mood for something a little bit different and pretty for your next crochet afghan, Crochet Geek's Diamond Pattern YouTube tutorial will get you on your way. She also offers many patterns for left-handed crocheters.

Happy Flower Block by Annie's Place

Just looking at this afghan square makes me happy...the colors say spring, summer and happiness all at one time.

Raindrops Stitch Cushion by Attic24

This newest of free patterns from Lucy at Attic24 is a beautiful color explosion. She uses it for a cushion/couch pillow, but you could easily use the stitch for an afghan, as well.

So there you have it, Free Pattern Friday on the Go Crochet Crazy Blog! I hope you'll stop by and tell me what you think, and visit some of the other crocheters, too!

Onto this week's Go Crochet Crazy Link-a-Long!

    I AM so excited! I can't wait to visit all your blogs, see what you're up to and spread a little crafty love! One things I've found as I've become more involved in the crochet community is that we're really a great group of people. I invite you to join in today's Link-a-Long to give and receive some of that wonderful kindness, camaraderie and a little love from fellow crafters. 

    Happy Yarny Crochet Crazy Friday!!


    1. Love the free patterns! Especially the baby block. Thanks for sharing.

      1. Glad to have you visit, and hope to see you back often! :)

    2. I love all the patterns! Visited everyone! Love them all :)

      1. Thank you, Joanita! Everyone loves your pattern. I've added a new linking widget above that I plan to use regularly from now on. Hope you'll continue to join in and visit often. :)

    3. Some fantastic patterns, I love Joanita's play block which I discovered a few days ago on G+. Thanks for the mention with my snowy cape Mary. Annies place is already on my list of blogs I visit, she has some truly wonderful posts of all her yarny adventures. Crochet Geek is a valuable resource for me with some excellent You Tube tutorials so I subscribed so I can be sure not to miss anything. Mary the scarf is gorgeous and wash cloths always good for a treat-me quick make. Lucy of Attic 24 is a great source of inspiration.

      I have started a new project and I will post some progress pictures this weekend. I have (gasp!) picked up some double pointed needles, yikes, I'm knitting!!! Anyone who knows me will know I do not knit very often, after all crochet is my first love when crafting.

      my blog :

      1. Linda, I can't wait to see your new project! I haven't knitted in years. Your work is beautiful, and I'm sure your next project will be, as well. :)

      2. Thanks Mary, I was getting along so well ..... then I had to rip back as the neck looked too small lol! I have added a free pattern for a baby jacket to the link-up and WIP knitting attempt photo's are now on my blog x

    4. Hi Mary, I'm so glad that I discovered your blog and I'm blog friends with Linda and with Joanita blogs! It's nice to meet you! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today. Maybe we can follow each other in some form! I love meeting new crochet blog friends. Wishing you a wonderful weekend and I will leave the link to my blog here:
      Julie's Lifestyle

      1. Julie, thank you for stopping by! I'm following your blog per email and look forward to see what you're up to!

    5. Hi Mary, I love how interactive your blog is! I will be visiting here often. My blog is and my newest free pattern is for the Sunshine and Rainbows bonnet here There is a written pattern and if you scroll to the end of the post you will also see a video tutorial. Happy Weekend!

      1. Katie, thank you for stopping by! Your Sunshine & Rainbows Bonnet is adorable! Thank you for sharing your free pattern!

    6. Mary, thank you. I wish you much success.

      1. Thank you, Sheila! I look forward to your next project!

    7. Thanks for sharing the patterns!

      Thanks for visiting my blog!

      Have a great week!

      1. You're welcome, and I look forward to visiting your blog again. :)

    8. Hi Mary, I have been away and am only just catching up here but I don't write patterns myself anyhow.
      I plan to visit the blogs you mention above though once I've caught up on my reading list.
      I love seeing everyone's beautiful work.


    9. Thanks so much for sharing this post at my Say G'Day Saturday linky party. I'm so thrilled you joined in!

      This week's party has just started so please pop by and say g'day when you have a chance!

      Best wishes for a lovely weekend,
      Natasha in Oz
