
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Where Do You Find Your Crochet Inspiration?

Another snowstorm has been forecast for our area this weekend, which means that dreams of walks outside and open windows will have to be put off for yet another day. It is on these cabin-fever-days that creativity comes to my rescue. With my hands and hook busily working the yarn, I can drift away to sunny places for a while.

As a lifelong creative, I've found inspiration in most intricately woven spider web glistening with morning dew drops...the bright colors of fresh fruit lovingly displayed at an open air market in the joyous giggles of small children playing in the carefree way they always do.

When it comes to crochet inspiration...although it's certainly all around...I find I'm most inspired by seeing the work of other crocheters. An interesting afghan pattern, article of clothing or adorable amigurumi critter can get me excited about adding a new project to my Crochet To-Do List. I enjoy reading other crocheters' blogs (I'll always come and check out your blog and leave a comment if you link to it in a comment on one of my posts), and find a lot of inspiration there. And the same is true for Google+ and the crochet communities I'm involved with there.

My #1 place online for finding crochet inspiration is Pinterest. If you're not on Pinterest, I'd have to ask you "Why on earth not?" And if you are, I invite you to follow me by clicking here, so we can share our crochet inspiration and accomplishments.

Where do you find your crochet inspiration? What sources do you turn to again and again?


  1. HI...i find my crochet inspirations from others mostly. I am a thready, and love doilies and such. My husband's fear was one day he would come home and everything would be covered with doilies. So he inspired me to open my Etsy shop so I could replenish my stash once in awhile. This coming from the man who said I took too long deciding what thread to buy and just emptied the shelves of Cebelia into my cart..all of it...and you should have seen the cashier...

  2. Vikki, isn't it lovely to have someone who supports what you do? I wish you all the best of luck with your sales and Happy Threading and Crocheting!
