
Saturday, April 19, 2014

What to Do with a Leftover Crochet Motif?

A couple days ago, I blogged about a Crochet Car Seat Toy and Free Crochet Bird Pattern I'd made for the littles back home in the US. Here are the results of that fun, little project...

Crochet Car Seat Toy by Go Crochet Crazy with free crochet bird pattern

Crochet Motifs by Go Crochet Crazy with Free Crochet Bird Pattern

My plan was to make two car seat toys, using three of each motif -- crochet birds (find the free pattern here), stars and granny diamonds -- for each toy. As it turned out, that would have made for a rather crowded, busy car seat toy. So I ended up having a few extras leftover. What to do...what to do?

Crochet Motifs by Go Crochet Crazy with free crochet bird pattern.

Using my blog friend Rain's star pattern, I completed the leftover yellow stars and then came up with the idea to turn them into Star Coasters to brighten up mornings and make coffee-drinking more special.

Star Coasters by Go Crochet Crazy

And for someone who enjoys reading, one of the little crochet birds grew very, very long legs like a Sand Piper and morphed into a whimsical, colorful crochet bookmark.

Crochet Bird Bookmark by Go Crochet Crazy, free bird pattern on blog.


Making the Car Seat Toys was a lot of fun. Repurposing the leftover crochet motifs for something else smile-worthy was also an enjoyable experience. Hopefully, I'll have three happy recipients from these projects now, instead of two!

Go Crochet Crazy turns leftover crochet star and crochet bird motifs into a bookmark and coasters.

Admittedly, I haven't spent a lot of time learning about crochet motifs. Did you know that even a granny square is a crochet motif? A crochet motif is considered to be any crochet piece that must be sewn or stitched together with other pieces in order to create the finished project.

What kind of crochet motifs have you created? Have you ever had leftovers that you used for other purposes? I invite you to join the conversation about crochet motifs...a topic I thought I had little experience in but, as I discovered was something I'd known about all along.


  1. Hi Mary, the little bird book mark is just adorable. I have used leftover yarn from crocheting dishcloths and made coasters. Have a nice weekend and a blessed Easter!

    1. Excellent way to use up your leftovers, Julie!

  2. Love the bookmark Mary what a great idea. Nearly all the yarn I have in my stash is leftovers, this weekend so far I have made a doily, two little baby dresses and lots of crochet flowers all from left overs, I also like to make granny squares, once I have a big enough collection I join them into a blanket or send them off to a charity. :)

    1. Linda, I love all your useful ideas for scraps. Especially flowers; I may have to do that!

  3. The long legs on the bird are so cute. I sit in odd pieces I have made testing ideas or trying out a new yarn for years hoping to think of a way to pull them together. Usually I end up unpicking some to use the yarn for another experiment.

    1. I've unraveled plenty, too! Oh well, that just leads to another creation. :)

  4. Hi Mary
    Love this! Such a great idea!

    I have nominated you for an award!

  5. I've made up cushion covers with granny squares and I've made them into coasters as well, oh and a bag.
    Apart from that I'd have to think about what I've done, haha.

    I have to say though, that they're such fun to use, I love them.

