
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

For the Love of Crochet Hats

Somewhere in here, there's a hat waiting to be crocheted.

One of my favorite crochet projects to make is a hat. When I first started relearning crochet, I made granny squares. Then I made a hat. In retrospect, it should have been the other way around.

Hats are so easy to make, and they provide nearly instant gratification. A basic beanie, shown in this fantastic tutorial, can be crocheted in a couple hours if it's for a newborn or two nights if it's for an adult.

Basic beanie
I can't even begin to tell you how many crochet basic beanie hats I've made! It's my go-to hat pattern, which I usually personalize with favorite colors or embellishments, like this:

Basic beanie with flower
 Because I need creativity the way we all need oxygen, I've tried many other crochet hat patterns. A few have been unraveled and made into something else. Many have gone on to a new home. That's what I love about hats -- they're easy and fun to make, and are great gifts. After all, is there any such thing as too many hats? Here are a few other styles I've enjoyed creating.

Newsboy cap

Pumpkin hat

For the football fan

Owl hat
My last hat project was for the two baby girls that were born into our family last week. I used the basic beanie instructions, but changed to the granny stitch after the last row of increases. This simple change adds such a pretty twist to a basic hat.

Basic beanie with granny stitch in the middle
Hat Tips: One of the most important things I learned -- the hard way, of course -- is to crochet hats to the HAT size, not the HEAD size. If you crochet to the head circumference (at the widest part), you'll end up with a hat that's too big or too lose. Measure the widest part of the head and subtract 2 inches or 5 cm. You'll get the perfect fit every time.

Do you enjoy making crochet hats? What's your favorite pattern? Today it's all about hats!


  1. The basic crochet beanie: the go-to hat for every one of my kids while they were growing up. I made piles of them. They're also one of the favorite items to make among crocheters who donate goods to charities. Preemies need them, as do homeless people.

    My pattern is even simpler than the great one from Bob Wilson. Double crochet a rectangle. Sew together the first and last rows to make a tube. Gather one end of the tube to make the top of the hat, and fold up the other end to make the brim. Total brainless crochet, perfect for tv watching.

  2. Anne, that pattern is so simple! I use a "crochet in the round" pattern to make my beanies.

    My son wants me to make him one, then cross stitch the "R" that the group Rammstein uses. He loves beanies for days when his hair misbehaves (shhh!).

  3. Hats are the best … I've crocheted many! My two favorites were a Dr Seuss Cat in the Hat one; and a pumpkin one, complete with a sticking-up stem, for Halloween costumes for my boys when they were small. There are a million different varieties... from pretty and feminine to cute and whimsical and I love doing them all. Mary, your hats pictured here are wonderful! :)

  4. Great comments, everyone! Thank you so much for stopping by. :) I agree -- the opportunities are endless!

  5. I love those hats.
    Thanks for the tip on sizing hats as well, it's always good to know.

