
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Yarn Colors -- Do You Gravitate Toward Vibrant or Muted?

Just lately, I've noticed quite a few crochet items stitched up in vibrant colors. A deep purple infinity scarf, a kelly green neck warmer, and even a pair of hot pink mittens. It got me thinking about the yarn colors I use and tend to gravitate to.

I do love color. I'm attracted to bright colors and color combinations that make the item I'm crocheting stand out. But there are times when I shy away from the bright colors I'm attracted to and use something muted instead. Such as for these projects which, although they're not "stand up and get noticed" colors, I don't think they're dull either.

Forest green
A paler purple paired with cream.
Pale pink paired with shades of mocha brown.
Of the bright-colored projects I've made, the following are the brightest. (Which has me thinking that I need to start buying some bright-colored yarn that says "Hey, notice me!"

Granny scarf made with scraps of bright colors.
Bright-colored block afghan.

Berry red saves the day against muted green and cream.

The kelly green and deep purple I've recently seen have really inspired me to crochet something bright, even as I finish up another infinity scarf made of cream yarn with pastel shades woven into it. Or perhaps, I'll just have to be more mindful to combine toned-down colors with those that say "pick me, pick me!"

What colors do you tend to gravitate toward? Is there a color family you find yourself using over and over again? I'm interested to hear about the colors of yarn you find yourself attracted to.


  1. Unless I'm making something for a gift, I always gravitate to jewel tones. Emerald, amethyst, ruby, sapphire. The richer the color the better, and usually with a black accent.

    1. Those sound like gorgeous colors to crochet with! And I makes everything pop. :)

  2. I find myself using a lot of reds and blues. Ever since I crocheted the scarves for the mariachi, I'm "blacked-out."

    I would love, love, love to be able to justify buying some new, bright-colored yarns! (And now that I'm taking my taxes in today, I may be able to buy a few skeins!)

    1. You'll have to come back and tell me what bright colors you branched out into!

  3. Congratulations wonderful work, I added you on google, a big hug my new friend.

    1. Vanda, thank you for stopping by! I'm sending hugs right back at you and hope to see you here often. :)

  4. I tend toward vibrant colours. I love colours that I enjoy so they are generally very bright.

    1. I love vibrant colors, too. No clue why I crochet with so many muted and pastel shades! However, I am starting a new project that has some bright colors in it! :)

  5. I love color... All colors. When I feel stressed, I walk around my local yarn shop and just looking at all of the colors and textures brings me peace! Sounds silly, but it's true! :) I do use earth tone yarns though, and when possible, I add a contrasting color somewhere in there to really compliment the earth tones….even if it's just a little bit as an edging or wherever it looks best. It seems to enhance those earthy colors instead of the piece looking too monotone. Although, there are those projects where I feel I want a solid color eggshell (or similar) because I think the stitch I'm using is more visible with such a color.

    1. Monica, I so agree with you. Something as small as a bright color can really lift the spirits and diffuse stress. Great insight!
